API Channels

API Channels section has covered all of APIs settings in one section and One can explore shortly what types of APIs need to be set up to make CyTechBot complete.
We have divided the APIs in Four Sections (also navigate in right side bar) which are as belows:

  • Payment APIs
  • Social Medias
  • Email Autoresponder
  • Email API

Payment APIs (Admin : Extended License Only)

Payment Section is available in extended version.

CyTechBot is a white-label Saas application. You can sell the service of CyTechBot to your end-users— establishing a software service business as your own brand. To complete the process admin have complete the Payment APIs settings. So let's dive into the section.

CyTechBot has integrated two global and some local Payment Gateways with the system. These are given below:


PayPal Email: Provide your PayPal business account email.
PayPal Sandbox Mode: If you want to test the paypal payment then you have to enable sandbox mode.


Stripe secret Key & Stripe published key: If you want to integrate your Stripe account then you’ve put your stripe secret key and stripe published key of your stripe account.


Mollie API Key: If you want to integrate the Mollie payment method then you’ve to put your Mollie API key. Visit Mollie and go to Settings > API Keys & Webhooks and copy your key id and key secret and paste into the corresponding field.


Razorpay Key ID & key secret: If you want to integrate Razorpay payment method then you’ve to put your razorpay key id and secret key. Visit Razorpay and go to Settings > API Keys and copy your key id and key secret and paste into the corresponding field.


Paystack Secret Key & public key: If you want to integrate paystack payment method then you’ve to put your paystack secret key and public key. Visit Paystack and go to Settings > API Keys & Webhooks and copy your key id and key secret and paste into the corresponding field.


Mercado pago public key & acceess token: If you want to integrate Mercado pago payment method then you’ve to put your Mercado pago public key & acceess token. Visit Mercado pago and copy Mercado pago public key & acceess token and put them into the corresponding fields.


SSLCOMMERZ store id & store password: If you want to integrate SSLCOMMERZ payment method then you’ve to put your SSLCOMMERZ store id & store password.


Senangpay merchant id & secret key: If you want to integrate Senangpay payment method then you’ve to put your Senangpay merchant id and secret key. Visit Senangpay and go to Settings > Profile and Scroll down to Shopping cart integration link. From there copy your merchant id and secret key and paste into the corresponding field. Also please copy the Senangpay Return url from Ecommerce store checkout Settings and paste it into Return url of Senangpay panel.


Instamojo private api key & private auth token: If you want to integrate Instamojo payment method then you’ve to put your Instamojo private api key & private auth token. Visit Instamojo and go to API & Plugins and copy your private api key & private auth token and paste into the corresponding field.


Toyyibpay Secret Key & Toyyibpay Category code: If you want to integrate Instamojo payment method then you’ve to put your Instamojo private api key & private auth token. Visit Instamojo and go to API & Plugins and copy your private api key & private auth token and paste into the corresponding field.


Xendit secret api key: If you want to integrate Xendit payment method then you’ve to put your Xendit secret api key. Visit Xendit and go to Settings -> Developer (API Key) and then click on Generate secret key and then copy Publick follow the instruction and put the API key into the corresponding field.


Myfatoorah Api Key: If you want to integrate Myfatoorah payment method then you’ve to put your Myfatoorah api key. Visit Myfatoorah and go to Live Token and follow the instruction and put the API key into the corresponding field.


Paymaya Public Key & Secret Key: If you want to integrate Paymaya payment method then you’ve to put your Paymaya publick key and secret key.


Manual Payment: Manual payment is for take payment manually from user manually and uploads payment documents in the system.


Select your country payment currency.


CyTechBot has enhances itself with it's amazing features. Beside all other features it also has SMS broadcasting features. CyTechBot has made the SMS broadcasting easy by integrating some very popular SMS Gateways and also has custom GET/POST API added feature. Below are the available gateways that an user can integrate with the system :

  • Twilio
  • Plivo
  • Clickatell
  • Clickatell-platform
  • Planet
  • Nexmo
  • MSG91
  • Africastalking
  • SemySMS
  • Routesms.com


Twilio is one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated Twilio by using their API. You can easily use twilio service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the Twilio and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select twilio from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate Twilio SMS Gateway?


Plivo is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated Plivo by using their API. You can easily use Plivo service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the Plivo and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select Plivo from the Gateway name list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate Plivo SMS Gateway?


Clickatell is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated Clickatell by using their API. You can easily use Clickatell service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the Clickatell and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select Clickatell from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.


Clickatell-platform is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated Clickatell-platform by using their API. You can easily use Clickatell-platform service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the Clickatell-platform and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select Clickatell-platform from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate Clickatell-platform SMS Gateway?


Planet is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated Planet by using their API. You can easily use Planet service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the Planet and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select Planet from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.


Nexmo is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated Nexmo by using their API. You can easily use Nexmo service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the Nexmo and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select Nexmo from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate Nexmo SMS Gateway?


MSG91 is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated MSG91 by using their API. You can easily use MSG91 service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the MSG91 and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select MSG91 from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate MSG91 SMS Gateway?

Africa's Talking

Africa's Talking is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated Africa's Talking by using their API. You can easily use Africa's Talking service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the Africa's Talking and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select Africa's Talking from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate Africa's Talking SMS Gateway?


SemySMS is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated SemySMS by using their API. You can easily use SemySMS service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the SemySMS and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select SemySMS from the API list.

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate SemySMS SMS Gateway?


RouteSMS.com is another one of the most popular SMS Gateway in worldwide. CyTechBot has integrated RouteSMS.com by using their API. You can easily use RouteSMS.com service through CyTechBot system for SMS broadcasting. Click on the RouteSMS.com and you'll redirect to the SMS API management section. click on Add new API -> Add default Gateway, a modal will appear and select RouteSMS.com from the API list. You'll need the host url for adding Routesms.com

You can see what is need to add a SMS api by click on Instruction button from SMS API adding modal.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.


You know by default CyTechBot supports Twillo, Nexmo, Clickatell, Plivo & some other SMS gateway. However for global pricing variation for sending SMS , you may need to add your local SMS gateway provider.

It's quite impossible to add each individual API in reality by us actually.

But as a solution we have implemented a system where you can add any HTTP GET Request API for sending SMS. you can use your preferable SMS gateway on CyTechBot which supports HTTP GET Request for message sending. Only thing you have to do is to create a custom SMS API using CyTechBot. Just follow below steps:

  • #Step 1
    Go to API Channels -> SMS API Section -> HTTP GET/Post option. You'll be redirected to the SMS API management section. Click on the Add SMS API -> Add Custom SMS API [GET]
  • #Step 2
    Fill the API name and HTTP/HTTPS URL fields. For the HTTP URL field please put url ( must be with http or https ) that is functional for sending message and must be for HTTP GET request.
  • #Step 3:
    Now click the “Analyze and test call” button. It will call the url, you just provided, and show you the response of sending message using that url.
    It will also show you the query parameters analyzed by the system. These parameters can be your api key, action, sender id etc. For every query parameter it will indicate the parameter type and its corresponding value.
    Keep the parameter type unchanged which are Fixed for your new custom API. You can update the value as your need.
    You just have to change the parameter type for Destination Number and Message Content . While changing these parameters type, you will notice that new value has replaced on your newly generated custom API url. When you will send SMS through this custom API then these contents will be replaced by your given contents.
  • #Step 4
    Now click the Save button. That’s all. You just have created a custom SMS API on CyTechBot for sending sms.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.

How to integrate Custom [HTTP GET] SMS Gateway?

Custom HTTP Post API

You know by default CyTechBot supports Twillo, Nexmo, Clickatell, Plivo & some other SMS gateway. However for global pricing variation for sending SMS , you may need to add your local SMS gateway provider.

It's quite impossible to add each individual API in reality by us actually.

But as a solution we have implemented a system where you can add any HTTP POST Request API for sending SMS. you can use your preferable SMS gateway on CyTechBot which supports HTTP POST Request for message sending. Only thing you have to do is to create a custom SMS API [POST] using CyTechBot. Just follow below steps:

  • #Step 1
    Go to API Channels -> SMS API Section -> HTTP GET/Post option. You'll be redirected to the SMS API management section. Click on the Add SMS API -> Add Custom SMS API [POST]
  • #Step 2
    Fill the API name and Base url fields.
    For the Base url field please put url ( must be with http or https ) that is functional for sending message and must be for HTTP POST request.
  • #Step 3:
    You can also add new parameter for custom sms post api.
  • #Step 4
    Now click the “Test response” button. It will call the url, you just provided, and show you the response of sending message using that url and the provided post parameter .The parameter is included with key, type and value.
    Keep the parameter type unchanged which are Fixed for your new custom post API. You can add the value as your need. You just have to change the parameter type for Destination Number and Message Content .The parameter must have the Destination Number and Message Content.
  • #Step 5
    Now click the Save button. That’s all. You just have created a custom SMS API [POST] on CyTechBot for sending sms.

You can test your API by click on the test icon of the added API from the API lists to see if the API works correctly or returns any errors.